Homepage News/Calendar The Ignatian Newsletter From the Rector Article information Time 19 Feb 2024 On this page Lenten Traditions and Spiritual Growth Catholic Sacraments Lenten Traditions and Spiritual Growth Lent, a period preceding Easter, is observed by Christians as a time for fasting and reflection. During Lent, believers engage in introspection, seeking to renew their commitment to Jesus. Through prayer, almsgiving, and fasting, individuals aim to strengthen their connections with God, one another, and themselves. In prayer, believers converse with God, akin to confiding in a trusted friend, knowing that God comprehends them completely and loves them unconditionally. Practices such as the Examen deepen appreciation for God's presence, offering moments of reflection and openness to divine love. Lent provides an opportunity to rediscover the omnipresent love of God. Almsgiving involves acts of generosity toward the needy, expressing love and compassion. It encompasses positive actions such as kindness, generosity, and refraining from negativity. This may manifest in various forms, from simple acts of kindness such as compliments or assistance to more significant endeavours such as volunteering or charitable donations. Prioritizing aid for the marginalized underscores a community's strength and compassion. Fasting represents a sacrificial act, symbolizing a departure from old habits to embrace a renewed life in Christ. It fosters self-awareness and discipline, prompting individuals to address areas of overindulgence or negativity. Whether abstaining from certain foods or habits, fasting encourages self-improvement and virtuous choices. Catholics, in particular, are encouraged to observe fasting and abstinence during Lent as part of spiritual growth. From age 14, abstaining from meat on Ash Wednesday, Fridays during Lent, and Good Friday is recommended, while fasting is advised from age 18 to 60 on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. However, these guidelines are flexible, recognizing individual circumstances or health considerations. The essence of Lent lies in transforming relationships with God, others, and oneself through prayer, service, and sacrifice. Fr Peter Hosking SJRector OREMUS (Let us pray) We remember all in our College community. May our prayers comfort those suffering at this time. May God’s blessing be a source of support in their sorrow and loss, and bring courage, patience, and hope. “Ask and you shall receive … knock and the door will be opened unto you.” (Matt 7:7) If you would like someone to be remembered by the College community in prayer (even anonymously), please provide details to the Rector, class or Mentor Teacher, or House Leader. Catholic Sacraments Requests for assistance with Catholic sacraments are occasionally made by members of our community. At Saint Ignatius’ College our Sacramental Program is offered alongside the Religious Education curriculum for students of the Catholic faith in Year 3 (Reconciliation) and Year 4 (Confirmation and First Holy Communion). This year the sacrament of Reconciliation will take place in October of Term Four (Year 3) and the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion in August of Term Three (Year 4). Should you have any inquiries regarding: Students who are baptised but wish to receive other sacraments and are in Year 5 or older or Individuals not yet baptised in the Catholic Church or those from another denomination seeking to join Catholic Church Parents can contact Danika Baker (Senior School) at d.baker@ignatius.sa.edu.au or Anne Mercorella (Junior School) at a.mercorella@ignatius.sa.edu.au In addition, parents or relatives interested in exploring options for Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion, or Reconciliation for themselves are encouraged to reach out to Fr Hosking at p.hosking@ignatius.sa.edu.au or Fr Periera at office@norwoodparish.org.au With every good wish, Danika BakerDirector of Faith Formation - Senior School Anne MercorellaDirector of Faith and Service - Junior School Previous From the Principal Next Head of Ignatius Early Years