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  • 230509 STIG JNR 1617

    Knowing our Students (Pastoral Care)

    At Saint Ignatius' College we ensure that cura personalis (care for the whole person) lies at the heart of all that we do. Our pastoral care structures build on this ethos and designed for all students to be are known, loved and affirmed.
  • 230509 STIG JNR 2289


    Our Junior School curriculum reflects the ideals of Jesuit education that we aspire to achieve with the children in our care.
  • 230509 STIG JNR 1606

    Out of School Hours Care

    In support of the many parents who require extended care for their child outside of school hours, the College offers Out of School Hours Care for families of the Junior School and Ignatius Early Years.
  • 220606 SIG JUNIORSCHOOL 2478

    Vacation Care Program

    The College provides a comprehensive Vacation Care program, offering an exciting and varied program for children to experience and enjoy; featuring excursions, incursions and structured ‘home’ days.
  • 220606 SIG JUNIORSCHOOL 1165

    Computer Device Purchase Portal

    Access the Learning With Technologies (LWT) Parent Purchase Portal