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Junior School Out Of School Hours Care (OSHC)

The OSHC program was established in 1996 and operates as a non-profit organisation providing care for school-aged children. The service is compliant with the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care, including the Education & Care Services National Regulations. From May 2003 the program has participated in a National Quality Assurance process.

Our approach

The Saint Ignatius' College OSHC program embraces the Ignatian ethos and seeks to treat all students with cura personalis, or individual care.

In line with the Jesuit philosophy, we aim to educate the whole person so that our students grow and develop into young ‘men and women for others’.

Our goal is to provide quality childcare in a safe and friendly environment that meets the needs of all children, parents and the community. Our program aims to foster curiosity, initiative and self-esteem.

Celebrating diversity and family

We provide challenging, interesting, fun, age-appropriate and inclusive experiences reflecting the needs and cultural diversity of the community. We embrace the multicultural society in which we live in and encourage others to share their customs and traditions within the OSHC program.

We recognise the value of establishing strong partnerships with families and developing a genuine sense of community. We understand the importance of incorporating the views of parents/guardians, children, staff, management and volunteers within our program and encourage participation and feedback from these stakeholders to assist with future improvement plans.

High quality care is our passion

We are passionate about offering high quality care of the children and their families.

Our staff aims to further their knowledge in the education and care sector through professional development and child related studies.

We welcome your inquiry.

Alessandra (Allie) DeMichele
Director OSHC
8130 7113

Fee Schedule

Annual Family Registration Fee

$30.00 annual registration fee per family is payable before the family commences in the program. This entitles the family to use Before School Care, After School Care and Pupil Free Days, and helps to support the supply of consumable materials.

Before School Care Fee

7:30am – 8:30am $13.00

After School Care Fee

3:15 pm – 6:00 pm $27.50

Pupil Free Days/Vacation Care

7:30am – 6:00pm $85.00

Late booking fee (Vacation Care) $22.00

Bookings, Cancellations and Other Fees

For more information on bookings, cancellations, late fees and child care benefits please contact Allie DeMichele, the OSHC Director on 8130 7113 or

Vacation Care