Homepage Learning & Teaching Junior School Vacation Care Program The College provides a comprehensive Vacation Care program, offering an exciting and varied program for children to experience and enjoy; featuring excursions, incursions and structured ‘home’ days. The program is held in the OSHC building (62 Queen Street, Norwood) with all children needing to be signed in and out at this location, including on excursion days. Open to all Junior School-aged children (5 to 12 years old), the program operates from 7:30am to 6:00pm daily. The program runs during all school holidays, apart from a four week break over Christmas when the service is closed. The daily rate for the Vacation Care program is $75 per child. The child care subsidy applies for those eligible families. Parents and Caregivers are encouraged to book as soon as possible to avoid missing out; excursion days can book out quickly. Bookings are only taken with consent forms and the full payment of fees. These bookings are non-refundable unless your child is sick and has a doctor’s certificate. Bookings must be made by the closing date which is advertised on the vacation care program. Any bookings made after this date may not be possible and will incur a $22 late fee. A reminder to please email any bookings or cancellations to oshc@ignatius.sa.edu.au or call 8130 7113. For any other enquiries please email Bella Cerbo, the Vacation care co-ordinator i.cerbo@ignatius.sa.edu.au April Vacation Care Program PDF (6.7MB)