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Thank you for considering a gift to the Saint Ignatius' College Foundation. Your support will help us to build on the success of our past achievements and will facilitate the building and strengthening of our students' academic competence, while instilling in them a strong sense of community, a compassionate heart and a well-developed social conscience. No gift is too small, whatever its size, it has the potential to make a direct impact on all of our students. Donations of $2.00 and over to the Building Fund and Bursary Fund are tax deductible.


The Ignatian Bursary Fund

It is a deeply held value and tradition of the College and Jesuit charism that an Ignatian education remains available for all people despite their financial means, background or experiences; therefore, the College supports many students and families each year through a Bursary Fund sustained by our community. Your gift to the Ignatian Bursary Fund enables bursaries to be provided to more families, ensuring they benefit from a Jesuit education at Saint Ignatius' College that would otherwise be out of reach.

To make an online donation, please visit: Make a Donation

To download a donation form, please click: Ignatian Bursary Fund Donation Form

Empowering Futures Saint Ignatius College Foundation


Saint Ignatius' College is committed to offering our students the very best facilities in order to enhance their experience of an Ignatian education. We strive to provide our students with the latest facilities, resources and technology to allow them to realise their full potential in new and interesting ways. We are passionate about maintaining a safe and dynamic environment, that promotes student well-being and creates inspiring spaces, that stimulate imagination and encourage innovation.

The College relies heavily on the generosity of the Ignatian community. Donations are gratefully accepted for this new facility.

To make an online donation, please visit: Make a Donation

To download a donation form, please click: Ignatius Building Fund Donation Form


Bequests are the most effective way of providing benefits for future generations of Ignatians. Bequests may be a share of an estate, cash or terms of personal property or real estate. Over the years, Saint Ignatius' College has been the recipient of a number of welcome and unexpected bequests. We wish to acknowledge and thank the people who confirm a bequest in their lifetime and give them the recognition they deserve.

To discuss leaving a bequest or making a tax deductible contribution to Saint Ignatius’ College please contact the Advancement Office on 8334 9383 or email

Becoming a Bequest Companion Saint Ignatius College Foundation