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  • 230510 STIG 1098

    Learning and Teaching Framework

    The Learning and Teaching Framework espouses the strategic priority of ‘human excellence’ outlined in the College’s Strategic Plan.
  • 190528 SIG JUNIOR 0947

    Ignatius Early Years

    At Ignatius Early Years we have taken a beautiful bungalow in a creek setting and the adjacent property, with an historic cottage, and redesigned the building and grounds to meet all the principles of effective design for early childhood settings.
  • 230509 STIG JNR 3000

    Junior School

    The Junior School, surrounded by leafy green trees of the eastern suburbs landscape of Norwood, caters for students in Reception to Year 6.
  • 230510 STIG 0129

    Senior School

    Nestled at the base of Black Hill in Athelstone, the Senior School is the home to both the Middle Years (Years 7 to 9) and Senior Years (Years 10 to 12).
  • 240522 SIG JNR 2176

    Inclusive Education

    Inclusive Education - Cura personalis is care for the whole person, which is at the heart of the learning experience.
  • 220607 SIG SENIORSCHOOL 1916

    Gifted and Talented

    The Saint Ignatius' College Gifted and Talented program is founded on the principles of the Saint Ignatius' College Learning and Teaching Framework that ensure formation occurs through the experience of quality learning and teaching.