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At Saint Ignatius’ College, we seek to link learning with the development of character. We do this in partnership with families, and we ask students to support and lead each other in this special life quest. Our aim is for people to grow in an excellence of humanity, to be people of the Magis − fully alive to God, and always engaged with the common good.

There are six pairs of virtues we seek in an Ignatian today.

Curious and wise

Our world is forever changing; hence our students need to be inquisitive and engaged. They need to be agile in their thinking, but they are also called to be respectful and prudent. We endeavour for our students to be searchers for the truth and attentive to the signs of the times.

Reflective and discerning

Ignatius of Loyola desired for his followers to be contemplatives in action. This requires listening to others, ourselves, and God. Our young people need to be considered and thoughtful, and constantly reflective in order to make wise decisions and to continually review their way of proceeding.

Grateful and joyful

When students are grateful and joyful, they appreciate all their gifts, and the gifts of others and of creation. It enables them to be confident, resilient, and open to growth. By recognising all that is good in their lives, they are empowered as they embark on their life journey.

Faith-filled and hopeful

By finding God in all things, students are enabled to be spiritually alive, to be morally conscious, and to seek the truth. They have a strong foundation from which to set out in the world, embrace it, and change it for the better.

Loving and generous

Christ as our model for human life taught us to love one another, to be truly present to the other. We hope for our graduates to be models of gracious service, compassionate, wholehearted, and steadfast: to be men and women for others.

Just and courageous

We seek for each graduate from Saint Ignatius’ College to be countercultural in a world that promotes self above others. We challenge our students to embrace diversity, walk with the marginalised, care for creation, and live out a faith that does justice.