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The Saint Ignatius' College Gifted and Talented program is founded on the principles of the Saint Ignatius' College Learning and Teaching Framework that ensures formation occurs through the experience of quality learning and teaching. Gifted and Talented, Highly Able and Twice Exceptional students are supported to strive for the magis, seeking a deeper and more intricate understanding of oneself, the expression of themselves fully alive in the world.

Learning and Enrichment Program - Junior School

Our Gifted and Talented learners are supported in the classroom through opportunities of differentiation. We also offer enrichment opportunities for students, enabling them to explore the curriculum in greater depth.

Through our extra-curricular gifted and talented program students are also able to engage in competitions with other schools such as Tournament of Minds and the Da Vinci Decathlon.

Challenge Program - Middle Years

The program assists academically talented students to gain a sense of identity by spending time with their intellectual peers, and providing students with opportunities to work at an accelerated pace, and in greater depth on a regular basis.

Extension can be via small-group withdrawal, Enrichment Days and subject acceleration. Academically talented students may be grouped at different times of the year and participate in out of school and co-curricular activities; Philosothon, the Ethics Olympiad, the Da Vinci Decathlon, Future Problem Solving, or Tournament of Minds.

The Challenge Program Coordinator oversees the testing and identification of students for the program. Student progress is monitored to ensure a range of activities are available in the ongoing development of critical and creative thinking skills.

For more information, view our Gifted and Talented program here.

Senior Years Accelerated Pathway Program (SYAPP)

The program:

  • provides opportunities for students to have a variety in their choice of subjects in the upper year levels of their education
  • challenges students in particular subjects who demonstrate the need for complexity in a particular area of study.

Selection for invitation to accelerated subjects is dependent upon nominated criteria relevant to the subject. For further information, contact the Coordinator of the Challenge Program (Gifted Education) 8334 9300.

Hear about the program's advantages directly from our students and Gifted and Talented Coordinator below

Inclusion leads to belonging and excellence in education.

Jennifer Glenda Gous, Irma Eloff & Melanie Carmen Moen (2014) How inclusive education is understood by principals of independent schools, International Journal of Inclusive Education.