Homepage Our College Policies On this page Child Protection and Complaint Resolution Procedures and Policies Whistleblower Policy Privacy Policy Community Code of Conduct Child Protection and Complaint Resolution Procedures and Policies The following policies ensure the consistent conduct of matters, and conform with the mission, values and legal obligations of Saint Ignatius' College. For further information pertaining to Child Protection and Complaint Resolution Procedures and Policies, we have provided the following CESA website link below. Child Protection and Complaint Resolution Procedures and Policies Whistleblower Policy The Province encourages the reporting of any instances of suspected unethical, illegal, fraudulent or undesirable conduct involving the incorporated ministries of the Province and seeks to provide protections for those persons who make a report, so they may do so confidentially and without fear of intimidation, disadvantage or reprisal. Whistleblower Policy PDF (373KB) Privacy Policy The College is required to respect the confidentiality of students’ and parents’ personal information and the privacy of individuals. This Policy sets out how the College manages personal information including how it holds, uses, discloses and updates the personal information provided or collected by it. The College is bound by the Australian-Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Privacy Policy PDF (358KB) Community Code of Conduct The Community Code of Conduct outlines the principles of good conduct and standards of behaviour that are expected when interacting with others in the College community. Community Code of Conduct PDF (319KB)