Homepage Learning & Teaching Senior School Curriculum - Middle Years 7 to 9 Middle Years Year 7 to Year 9 The emphasis of the Middle Years curriculum is on the core subjects, English, Mathematics, Science and History. All students are exposed to the use of computers and other technology during their time in the Middle Years and courses are offered which promote an awareness of our eco-system and our responsibility for the care of the environment. The Religious Education program is a focus of the curriculum at all year levels. Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Religious Education Religious Education Religious Education Art (Semester) Art (Semester) English Design & Digital Technologies (Semester) Design & Digital Technologies (Semester) Geography (Semester) Drama (Semester) Drama (Semester) Health & Physical Education English English History (Semester) Geography (Semester) Geography (Semester) Mathematics Health & Physical Education Health & Physical Education Mathematics - Accelerated History (Semester) History (Semester) Mathematics - Essential Mathematics Mathematics Science Music (Semester) Music (Semester) One language plus any full-year equivalent subject(s) from: Science Science Art (Semester) One language from: One language from: Chinese* (Full Year) Chinese+ Chinese*+ Design (Semester) French# French*+ Design & Digital Technologies (Semester) Italian# Italian*+ Drama (Semester) Latin# Latin*+ French* (Full Year) Italian* (Full Year) Latin* (Full Year) Music Studies (Semester) Music Contemporary (Semester) # Beginners level language course. + Student must have previous experience with the language. * The study of at least one foreign language is compulsory until the end of Year 9, except where advised otherwise, by the Leader of Learning of Languages and the Director of Teaching and Learning. Schooling must involve a celebration of the mind.