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At Saint Ignatius' College we recognise that students may require additional support from time to time. There are student counsellors available at both the senior and junior school campuses who can provide one-on-one support to students and families.

They are available to assist with:

  • study management and stress
  • mental health
  • peer and family relationships
  • bullying & harassment
  • grief and loss
  • emotional regulation
  • referral pathways to other services
  • or any other issues you may like to discuss

Our counsellors may be contacted via email or telephone.

Kathy George
Student Counsellor - Senior School
Direct Line: 8334 9381

John Pertl
Student Counsellor - Senior School
Direct Line: 8334 9336

Danielle Verrilli
Coordinator of Student Counselling & Pastoral Care - Junior School

Emma Angel
Student Counsellor - Junior School

The College is pleased to offer our community SchoolTV, a digital wellbeing platform designed to assist adults in navigating their way through the challenges of modern-day parenting.

Featuring contributions from experts in youth wellbeing, SchoolTV covers topics that will relate to parents and caregivers of both the Junior and Senior Schools in the form of information sheets, quiz questions and short professional presentations. Topics include ‘Healthy Diet’, ‘Social Media & Digital Reputation’, ‘Youth Anxiety’, ‘Depression’, ‘Drug & Alcohol Use’, ‘Cyberbullying’, 'Exam Jitters', ‘Surviving Year 12’ and more.

Each month a new episode will be launched and added to the SchoolTV library. Parents and caregivers have access to all of the recent topics to reference when convenient.

Here at the College, we view the addition of SchoolTV to our digital resources as providing further support to the work of our entire community in the formation of the young people in our care so that they may become all that God calls them to be.

We hope our parents and guardians will find this resource beneficial and convenient to use. The College Counsellors are happy to hear from families seeking further support.

Proudly supported by the Saint Ignatius' College Parents and Friends Association.

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